“Every year Tyne Kittiwakes become trapped or are injured as a result of anti-bird deterrents”
Please ring the RSPCA
Should anyone find a trapped or injured Kittiwake this season;
please could you contact the RSPCA’s 24-hour cruelty and advice helpline on 0300 1234 999
To help officers locate birds in trouble; explaining WHERE they can be viewed from is very useful.
Any help is VERY much appreciated
Do you visit the Tyne Kittiwakes yourself? Do you work or spend time close to the quaysides of Newcastle and Gateshead? If so, would you like to become a Kittiwakes upon the Tyne volunteer? We can then share with you our telephone number which can be used in times when Tyne Kittiwakes need help or if you want to report any concerns.
All that is involved, is that you report back what you see. For example if you ever find any Kittiwakes that are in trouble or this could involve sharing some of your own quotes and photos, which help raise awareness and tell the story for our well loved Tyne Kittiwakes.
Any support is always very welcome. Please help us to safeguard and protect these red-listed seagulls. With Kittiwake populations declining elsewhere, every bird makes a difference.